Scouts alert in Indonesia

Scouts Alert is the name for members of the Boy Scouts 7-10 years old. Scouts called standby because according to the allegory of the struggle of Indonesia, when the Indonesian people to achieve standby her independence with the establishment of Boedi Utomo in 1908 as an early milestone Indonesian struggle.

Honor code
Two PramukaSiaga honor code is as follows:
  • Dwi Satya
By my honor, I promise I'll mean it:
  1. Perform my duty to God, the Unitary State of Indonesia, and following the family manners
  2. Every day do good
  • Dwi Darma
  1. Standby devotion to his father and mother
  2. Standby brave and do not despair
Code of Honor two mentioned above is the moral standard for a Boy Scout in standby behave in society. So if there is a standby Scout members whose behavior is not in accordance with moral standards, he has not called the Boy Scouts can complete standby.

Scouts alert in Indonesia Scouts alert in Indonesia Reviewed by Dani heriyanto on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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